Monday, July 12, 2010

Thanks for all the encouragement - I need all of it! I seem to be suffering from a severe bout of writer's blog! :-(
One week has passed and I am still clueless as how to incorporate e-learning into my clinical skills teaching environment! (Any bright ideas are very welcome!)
I've done some reading, "googling", visited some sites and blogs, but my creative juices seemed to have dried up completely!
But alas all is not lost, a light glimmering in the darkness should appear any minute soon or at least by the end of the day....

We have just updated a video resource project which gives students access to clips and a limited amount of theory of all the clinical skills taught in the skills lab in the third year (MBChB). Not sure if there is a further component which I could add to this current project?? Or maybe there's something new I could do. Not skilled enough to create interactive learning material...Ah well, we'll think of something.

Enjoy the day - keep warm!


  1. Dear A
    I also do not know what I should do for my project even though JP recommended that we should have an idea by today. I also looked on the internet to see what has been done in the field of microbiology with e-learning. I was overwhelmed, but the projects looked very complicated.

  2. Theme looks great!!

    With regards to e-learning one is often tempted to first think elaborate thoughts and grand designs that will take over the world. What this module tries to do, is embedd e-Learning into the fabric of teaching and learning, and to ask "how can I teach what I am teaching (or facilitating) better by using technology." The best e-Learning is often the most simple idea that has a huge impact. When it is integrated with your outcomes, fits into your analysis, and is interatively evaluated, then it can very powerful.

    Yes, often one needs to build interactive material. But usually, it is about finding the right (or new) medium for communication that makes the difference. It is about planning the integration of the technology that makes things better.

    e-Learning has moving from being mostly an expert or deisgner in flash and webpages, to using e.g. social media (amongst others Blogs, Wiki's, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked in etc) to engage students in the channels of their choice.

    Nowadays there are so many great sites on the internet, and freely downloadable programmes, that can help one with designing rapid e-learning - the trick is first finding the right idea and integrating it into the curriculum.

    ADDIE is quite helpful here as it does not start with technology available, but analysing what needs to be done/ achieved. Often working from the end makes the decisions for technology easier.

    Working iteratively is also very important - keep the project/ design as open as possible, and do not put all your e-eggs into one basket. Test your idea or design as soon as possible with a few people/ students and build in their comments and experience.

    What you mention wrt your Skills Centre work might be a good place to start thinking (and of course this is what you are doing at the moment) - what can improve the usage of these videos? Is it technical (computers next to each procedure)? Is it expectation? Is it communication (do students know about the resources)? Is it assessment? Is it tracking?

    I think the light is drawing closer and will enlighten your mind any second now.

    Good luck with the struggle. Always the most painful, but most needed part of the creative process!

  3. Adele

    I share your concerns, at this stage of the year it becomes abit difficuly, but never-the-less, WE CAN DO THIS!!! Thanks JP for the encouragement & perspectives in which we should think...

    Just a question: should it be something brand new or just something we haven't tried yet?

    Any way, will post some ideas on my own blog...


  4. I do not think what really matter if, it is brand new or old, what matters is that you follow the steps according with the ADDIE model and reflect in all the struggle that you have during the jurney....

  5. Hi Adele
    Hope you've made some headway in your quest by now. Have you seen the slide presentation blog that's on the central blog for the module? Is this not possibly something that you could use in the skills lab....or something like it. It could be a collaboration with other departments, maybe lecturers want to make their class presentations available and then you could link it to the videos!

    I think a problem with our limited knowledge of e-learning is that we forget that thiscould be a very simple addition to an established resource such as your videos.

    Good luck!

  6. I don't know! I feel really EMPTY. No ideas flowing and I am stagnated. The more websites I visit and read, the less willing I am to go ahead. Maybe Lianne is right, and all of this is due to our limited knowledge. As for me, we do not work too much with videos, but pictures and powerpoints, so I don't really know how to handle it. I hope my mind will open soon!
